First day of cycling after a fantastic weekend in Dublin, where I caught up with Owen and Davy (15+ years of friendship), Alex (5+ years of friendship), and caught a great show (The Olllam) at Vicar Street. It was a 3h train ride from Dublin to Killarney, the start and end point for the cycling trip. 

I don’t deal in superlatives, so I’ll just say that it was incredibly beautiful. The small country roads were lightly trafficked and lined with color, meandering through the countryside over small rivers. Once I reached Blennerville Windmill, my route would follow the bay for about 10 miles before the climb up Connor Pass started and the scenery got even better. It was windy and cool, but I only saw a few raindrops the entire day.  

The pictures will tell the story of the day, and while it wasn’t a long ride, my legs are still feeling it after not riding for 4 days (and sitting a lot on planes and trains)!  I finished in Dingle, a cute touristy town on the coast.